[KHM] The WR Winning Recipe

I’ve had a lot of success drafting White Red aggro in Kaldheim on Arena after re-evaluating the way I have approached the format two weeks ago. In this time, I’ve primarily drafted GW Auras and RW Equipment— Yes, there are micro-archetypes.

Looking at Red White specifically, I feel I have a very strong grasp on what I’m looking for to produce a successful deck and knowing what this looks like helps me to navigate picks both early and late in the draft. In the last two weeks, I’ve compiled a 102-36 record across 33 drafts (12 bo1, 21 bo3) with this archetype, trophying 16 times.

Often, you’ll take Goldvein Pick over Demon Bolt in this archetype, but there are times you’ll actually take a Fearless Pup over a Goldvein Pick too, it all depends on what flavor you’re missing!

14-15 creatures
4-5 equipment
1-3 tricks
0-2 removal
16 land

Let’s start off with one drops, like any good limited deck should. You want to aim for 15 creatures, 5 of which are one-drops ideally. Raptors are better than Pups, and both cards wear equipment better than any of our 2 drops outside of Story Seeker. Scoop up any Ushers of the Fallen that you can, these are great at enabling turn 2 Stalwart Valkyries since opponents are priced into blocking— Don’t boast, just jam the 3/2 flier!

When it comes to 2 drops, there are plenty that you’ll see and these are pretty interchangeable, with Story Seeker, Koll, and Clarion Spirit ahead of the pack. I like to have 6 2-drops, and no more than 2 Kolls since they’re legendary and provide more value played late game. Use 3 drop sparingly, and evasion is nice here. Starnheim Courser is my favorite, since it enables wicked equipment and rune sequences on turn 4 and after. Stalwart Valkyrie, as mentioned earlier, is absurd in this deck and having access to 1 or 2 provides some late-game punch

We want 3 total Tormentor’s Helm/Goldvein Picks, 1 Raven Wings, and 1 Dwarven Hammer— This is the deck’s bomb. This being said, we only really need 1 because of Axgard Armory, the engine that makes this, in my eyes, the best deck in the format. Axgard Armory enables the RW deck to play an incredibly grinding game if the deck is built with the correct package, all for the price of a 14th round pick. This is also why I like to play a copy of Raven Wings in my 40, as this provides additional reach and a larger Armory-toolbox.

Let’s step into removal, since we’re here. One copy of Bound in Gold is worth its weight in gold due to the fact that it’s tutorable with the Armory and takes care of 6/6 wurms. If you have 1 Bound in Gold, Frost Bite becomes the card you want the most for removal, it’s like a Demon Bolt you don’t have to spend time and mana Fortelling. Demon Bolt is fine too, but don’t even think about taking one over a Dwarven Hammer, for instance. Remember that we’re an equipment deck and need creatures to suit up and apply pressure with. Do. Not. Play. Squash.

Last, we’ve got combat tricks. Since we’re playing a mana-light game with all of our equipment, I’ve come to love Wings of the Cosmos. This card combines incredibly well with Story Seeker to completely end races by taking out an opposing flier and gaining 3 life for 1 white mana.

If you happen to see a Kaya’s Onslaught, this is the best trick by far. Kaya’s Onslaught should be used to Zenith Flare your opponent, not to trade for an opposing creature unless absolutely necessary. Paired with Wings of the Cosmos’ Flying or the Trample of Dwarven Hammer, Onslaught can end games and go over the top quickly.

Run Amok is a great trick in the format, but this deck really isn’t its place, although I’ll consider playing a copy if I’m very aggressive and also have Kaya’s Onslaught. Having both Run Amoks and Wings of Cosmos is nice if you’re able to sideboard, and you’ll be able to tell when you want each trick rather easily… That’s about all I’ve got, happy attacking!
